

Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on January 26, 2021


Hows your week going? Happy Wednesday!

Don’t forget the maths from the previous posts.

Handwriting, continue to practice as you have been doing.

Phonics, please watch thisSound “ft” with your new blend in it, and then use the roll and write game from your home learning pack. See if you can play with an adult and read each word aloud.
If you have time, use your letter sound cards to practice sound recognition.


Task 1 – Yesterday you thought about where the dish and spoon might travel next with their show. Can you use your puppets to have a short dialogue about their new location, such as “Wow, it’s hot here!” Or “The Eiffel Tower is SO tall!”

Task 2 – Draw in a location – or use your paints. You MUST include some features that help me identify where they have ended up!

Science. We have been thinking about materials. Last week you had to design a bedroom. This week you are going on a scavenger hunt and then you are going to describe what you find using some of the words below.

Rough, smooth, hard, soft, shiny, bumpy.

Can you say what each object is made from? The material.

Can you find…

A drinking cup,

A plate,

A book,

A spoon,

A belt,

A piece of clothing,

A toy.

Once you’ve found each item, named what it is made from and then described it, you could write a sentence about it, if you wish. You could do this on paper, or if you have a device, you could take a picture and type a sentence underneath.

Oscar McColl wanted to tell everyone that he has a wobbly tooth! This is a big deal in Year 1 (except for you, Amy Clark, who I think has lost about six teeth already, your tooth fairy is broke!) I know Oscar would love to hear about any other wobbly teeth, so if you can, let him know in the comments! I know Bella has a wobbler (but I’m sure she will confirm!) as does Charlotte, Beth, Zuzia and Esmae!

In class we tried to do the toilet roll challenge, where we had to keep a toilet roll up in the air using our feet. It was super hard! The top score was 20. See if you can beat it….I managed 2!

Have a great day

Love, Mrs Wiggs, x




Comments (8)

So exciting for us all loosing teeth. I think the tooth fairy is super busy & broke.
I lost my third tooth last week and tooth 4 is really wobbly now.

Miss you all & hope to see you all soon

4! Just soup for you Poppy! Xxx

I lost my first tooth on Friday while eating an apple! I also have a second wobbly tooth. Bella xx

Those apples are risky in Year 1 😊

I have my first wobbler!! I discovered it was wobbly at the wkend 😁
Emily x

How exciting Emily! I wonder when the tooth fairy will be coming to your house?

My top teeth are coming through now!
But I do have another wobbly one too.
Amy xx

Another one! Wow!

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