Learning from home

Sorry that you are at home, but alas it is all out of our hands. Below is some work for you to try.

Phonics: keep practising your phonics; why not check out https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/freeIndex.htm.

Please read as much as possible. Have you a favourite book? Why not write a book review for this book, which can be shared with your friends. Check out https://www.teachyourmonstertoread.com/ for some excellent resources to help you read.

Which country in the world is your favourite? Your challenge is to write a fact sheet about this country, which will teach everyone at our school all about your country. Which interesting facts will you find out and include?

For maths continue to work on your number bonds to 10 and 20. Then why not challenge yourself by answering these questions:

13 + 10=

18 + 10=

23 + 10=

31 + 10=

33 + 10=

What do you notice about your answers? Why do you think this happens?

Next challenge: Think of number and then write down as many questions, which the answer is your number e.g.


10 + 8, 20 – 2, 6 x 3, 36 รท 2.


Try and sow your own seeds. Then make a diary of what you do and what happens. How many days until it germinates? How are you going to look after the plant?

Physical Education:

Write down exercises you enjoy e.g. star jumps, running on the sport. Now you have to do each of these for one minute. What do you notice about your body? Which exercise are harder than the others? Why?


Why do Christians celebrate Easter? Do a drawing or write a sentence showing why it is important.



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