Friday 1.5


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 30, 2020

Hi Ash Class,

What has changed? It’s a new month! What month is it now? And which numbers in the short date have changed?

So, I have had a couple of requests for this blog post and you ask, I shall try to do!
Maths – Greta and Jenson asked for some more number sheets. As a little challenge, because it’s Friday, I’ve put some number challenges under this section. Try and talk through your answers with an adult. Reasoning is something we were working hard on in class so it’s a great skill to keep working on.

Here is a link to some sheets about fractions. We have not done this for a while, but I am confident most of you will be able to tackle these without much difficulty. If you cannot print, or look at a phone or a tablet for a long time, an adult could set these questions up for you as real life activities.
Maths – Fractions


Today’s English is an online game. If you can’t play the game, could you have a look at your writing about my dragon and see if you can polish it up? What could you do to make it better?
Phonics game


This is quite a long video, and you don’t need to watch all of it but there are some really interesting examples of old toys. If you haven’t been able to talk to a grandparent or a parent about toys they played with, it is worth watching to see how the toys are different. Toys from the past


Finally, Greta has requested a chapter book, so each day I will read you a new chapter of this story…
I hope you enjoy it!

Armadillo and Hare

Love Mrs Wiggs x

Thursday 30.4


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 29, 2020

Oh my goodness!

Ash Class, at the weekend Alex dug a pond in his flowerbed in the garden, and I went outside in the rain today, and look what I found!

Isn’t it incredible? I have no idea what it is, where it has come from or what to feed it! Can you write down your ideas for me? Use these questions to structure your writing, and try to write one sentence per question. Remember the ingredients for a good sentence – full stops, capital letters, adjectives and neat handwriting. Can’t wait to see what you think it is!
What is it?

Where did it come from?

Is it dangerous?

What should I do with it?

What should I feed it?

Well, after all that drama, I thought we might need a sit down, so here are some maths problems to work through. If you can’t print them or write them down, don’t worry, have a look here for alternatives;


Maths games online

Please click this link to access the above resourceYear-1-Spring-Block-2-Step-1-VF-Numbers-to-50

If you need a challenge, can you try doing the same type of questions above fifty, or even 100. For example:

Count backwards from 87 to 76. Will you cross 70?
Count backwards from 99-85. Will you say 76?
What number comes next? 46, 56, 66 —

Please make sure you have done some of your toy work!

Finally, I’d like you to do one of these activities with someone in your family. They are activities for fun, and I know lots of you are doing them already 😀

  • Listen to an audio book
  • Read a book
  • Cook or bake something
  • Dance, sing or make music
  • Water your plants and look for any changes
  • Play a game. We like uno, jenga and snakes and ladders

West Sussex libraries are offering lots of special events and activities online at the moment, including story times. They have a new designated Facebook page for parents, carers and anyone else with children at home at this time. It can be found here: West Sussex Library Service


And here is a story! This one is for Ben and Tom. If you have a particular story you’d like to hear, let me know and I’ll try and find it in my collection!

Monkey’s Massive Sandwich


Mrs Wiggs x






Wednesday 29.4


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 28, 2020

Hi Ash Class

Hope all are well….we did get the rain! I hope you didn’t make as much mess as Alex and Charlotte did….

For English today I have a game. It has many variables so you can play it in pairs or solo. It can be maths or phonics, or spelling related. Anything really. It’s a great game to play with a sibling if they are a similar age, and timing it, the video below shows what to do. If there are two of you, you need two sets of letter cards, and a timer. Split the cards with a piece of tape or string and race each other to make the words.

Phonics game

Maths today is tangrams, which is a simple shape puzzle. You move the pieces, so the flat edges are touching, and create different pictures. Below are some links to online tangrams which are quite fun to play. There is also a link to a printable one, if you have a printer. You can make your own, but you MUST use a ruler, as the lines must be really straight.

Printable tangram

Four piece tangram

Various Tangrams

Online tangram

Finally, some PE. For those of you who are missing competition, here is a link to some games activities set for lots of schools in West Sussex. If you can, have a go at them.

Please don’t forget your toy questions and activities. I’d love to see these projects grow.

Mrs Wiggs. X

Tuesday 28.4


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 27, 2020

Hi Ash Class

I fear you might be reading this in the middle of a rainstorm, if the weathermen are right!  Board games and films will be order of the day I expect!

Some English…..below if a photograph of a word game. You should recognise it as you play it a lot in class. This recaps a lot of your phonics so I have put little clues to help you work out the word shapes. Read the sentence, the write down the word, get a grown up to check your spelling if you can.

For maths…. I’d like you to create me a shape picture. It can be a 2d picture, which you draw, or a 3D shape sculpture made from recycling and old boxes. If you’re doing a picture, it would be great if you could use a ruler or draw around the shapes to be really neat. I’ve put some examples below, which are a bit boring, but let your imagination run riot! A shape superhero, a shape train, a shape witch!


For history I am including some photos of a Toy Museum I built at school. All the toys are old, as old as me at least, but some as old as my mum, so 72! What do you notice about the toys? What are they made from? How are they different to your own favourite toys?
If you have a grandparent that you can talk to, you could ask them what kind of toys they played with as children.

This toys project will be ongoing and I would love to see your work. You can present it however you would like. You could make a timeline, or a scrapbook or poster. You could make a PowerPoint or word document if you have a computer. Whatever you do, keep a record of what you find

Finally. The power of song! At school we love to sing. Mr Galvin loves music and we sing at least once a week. We often use the Sing Up website to help us. During this time they are providing sing at home resources, so if you follow this link, you can sign up and have access to free videos and new songs that the children can sing to keep their spirits up. Music is something that we all enjoy, so do give it a try.

Sing Up


Mrs Wiggs

PS, a story for fun, just because! The Other Ark

Monday 27.4


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 26, 2020

Hi lovely Ash Class

Wow, Monday rolls around again so fast!
I hope you all enjoyed the lovely sunny weather again, we went for a lovely walk, but on Saturday everyone just didn’t feel like it, so we just stayed home and pottered about.
So, today’s tasks are as follows….

We are going to recap shape this week, so by the end of the week it would be great if you could identify 2d and 3D shapes, and describe them using mathematical language – corner/vertice, edge, face.
This task can be done on your own, or with a sibling. You need a piece of paper and a pencil. I want you to go on a shape hunt around your house and garden (if you have one) and I would like you to draw and label all the shapes you see. There should be a minimum of ten shapes in your piece of paper. You could draw them, then write what the shape is underneath, like this:


In the video below I am using my sounds bag. Every time I pull out an object, can you say what it is, and write it down. For an extra challenge write it in a sentence! If you can’t, or don’t want to play along with me, can you get a grown up to put ten things in a bag, and you pick them out one item at a time, name them and write them down.


Before the Easter break, we had a think about signs of spring. Today, I’d like you to look closely at the environment around you, what is changing? Use your senses to make a note of some of the changes you can see, hear and smell. Some children have seen fox cubs, there are lots of bluebells and other flowers springing up, and I have picked lots of wild garlic. I’ve put some pictures below of things happening in my garden.


This term we are thinking about Toys. Today, could you talk to your grown up about what their favourite toy was, growing up, and why? Could you compare it to your favourite toy and talk about how they are the same, and different?  There’s a picture of my favourite toy below.

Have a lovely day, I’m in school today so if I am a little slow to reply, that’s why!


Mrs Wiggs  x



Bonus post!


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 24, 2020

Ash Class


Hi Ash Class!

Lottie asked for more stories and photos of you lovely lot, as they make her smile! So although I can’t do magic, I can do that! So here are some more photos, and a story. Have a lovely weekend,


Mrs Wiggs xx











Friday 24.4


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 23, 2020

Hi class!

Hows everyone doing? It’s Friday 😁


Todays tasks….please forgive me!
In the video below I read a story “Steven Seagull Action Hero” by Ely’s Doran. You may notice that I have my listening ears on. That is because I would like you to listen very hard for some words. I will tell you the words at the end, and then I would like you to write them down using your phonics knowledge to help you. They are all words you should know. For a bonus point, can you write them in a sentence?

Steven Seagull by Elys Doran

I know lots have you have been enjoying board games with your family. Today I’d like you to play a few games with your grown up, or siblings. The rules are, that they must use a die or spinner, or have a counting element. If you don’t have any games, this website has some excellent suggestions for games you can play at home.

Make at home maths games

Finally. I am on a committee that is thinking about ways to improve life in Petworth. We are thinking that a swimming pool would be a wonderful addition to our town, and we want to make it happen! Can you help? Could you draw me what sort of pool you would like to have in Petworth? Would it be just a square, for exercising, would it have a baby pool, does it need a cafe or a gym as well? I would love to see the ideas and share them with my committee.

I have made a playlist, with some of the happy songs that were suggested (sorry, the Prodigy didn’t make it, as Bay didn’t agree!) as well as some of the favourite songs from school. If you have Amazon Music you should be able to play it, but if not, you should be able to see the playlist so you can use your own music services to play the songs. If you can’t stream music, why not just sing them! ( warning – although I have checked that these songs are family friendly, please don’t let your children navigate through songs independently because I haven’t checked every song by every artist!)

Happy songs

I’ve also made a sway, using some photos that you’ve sent, as well as some from school. Just as a little reminder of how special you all are! Enjoy it.

Go to this Sway

Love Mrs Wiggs xxx





Poetry performance


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 22, 2020

Hi all,

I know you are all working as best you can at home. Some days it is easy to do work, and sometimes it is very hard and you don’t feel like it at all. We all feel like this. I know you miss your friends so I thought you would like to see these poetry performances, from two of your friends. Amazing job Alex and Maggie!

Love Mrs Wiggs x

Maggie’s video


Thursday 23.4


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 22, 2020

Hi Ash Class

Lots of videos today!

Here is a link to the Phase 3 and phase 4 sounds you will need for the game. Phonics

Here are some examples of the sorts of words you could use: pure, sure, boat, coat, oil, boil, toil, shoe, show, shop, coal, bowl, barn, prawn, pair, hair, care, fare.

Here’s the game


You can use any cards you have with numbers on them. Please pick five cards and then put them in order, smallest to largest. Try this a few times. If you haven’t got some cards perhaps make some, on small pieces of paper or card. You will be able to use them a lot. If you have a printer, you can print some from here: Number cards

Alternatively, you can ask your grown up, or your Alexa to give you five numbers.
Bronze; 1-30

Silver; 1-50

Gold; 1-100


Please add detail to your collage! You can use pen or crayon to do this, or paint, if you have a fine brush. This is all about control, so make sure you hold the brush or pen near the tip and keep the end up towards the ceiling. Here are some pictures of my work. The salt made it jolly hard to work on!




This is my friend Luke! Have a go at his game (if you can find ten pairs of socks…..😬) or have a look on YouTube for NSSport for some more activities.


Have a lovely day,

Mrs Wiggs xx


Wednesday 22.4


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 21, 2020

Hi Ash Class,

Hope you’re all ok! Thank you for all the lovely work you’re sending through.


One of our objectives is to perform a poem. This doesn’t have to be a poem you’ve written, but it’s about HOW you perform it. Can you speak loudly and clearly? Can you add in actions? You could dress up and do it with a sibling or other family member. Michael Rosen is the king of performance poetry and you can find lots of his poems on YouTube. Here is a link to his top tips for performance;

Rosen tips
Send me some videos of you performing, if you can! I’ll share them in the blog, if you don’t mind.


This task is about representing number. When you’re writing numbers and number sentences, use lines or squares if you can to keep up good practise. I’d like you to think of a two digit number. You can do this in many ways, ask Alexa to tell you one, ask a grown up, roll two dice or close your eyes and point to your number line!  I’d like you to then draw the corresponding ten frame for your two digit number. There’s an example video below, to remind you how to draw a ten frame.
Ten frames


Today you’re going to be thinking about composition. Take the coloured pieces you cut yesterday, and place them down on another piece of paper – this can be white, or painted, or plain newspaper. Don’t glue them down immediately, keep moving them about until you get it looking just right. Once you are happy you can glue them down. You need to fill the whole page, and you may want to overlap them or put them over the edges of the paper, this is fine. YOU are the artists!

We tried something fun today, we sprinkled salt all over our paper, which gave it a different effect. We are making a collage too so I’ll show you later how it turns out!

Watercolour with salt


Can you look at some of the old photos of Petworth on this website. Talk to your grown up about how Petworth has changed and how you know the photos are old. If your grown up has lived in Petworth for a long time, they could tell you about some of the changes they have seen.

Old Petworth

Finally, Bay was telling me a story of a naughty dog at the Badgers, who jumped in the river and got all dirty. It reminded me of a book called “Harry the Dirty Dog” which I have. I promised I would read it on the blog, but I can’t find the book anywhere! So, for a glimpse into my future, here’s a link to the story.

Harry the Dirty Dog

Love Mrs Wiggs

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