First half term…..nearly done!


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on October 16, 2018

We are nearly at the end of our first half term – the first in Year 1 for many of us – but that hasn’t meant the learning stops! The last three days of term have been chock a block with learning experiences! Today we have had a whole day of science!

Incorporating English, Maths and collaborative work. The children learned about their senses and worked out the different ways we use them in everyday life. They engaged with this whole heartedly and realised that in school they are constantly looking, listening and often touching.

They were then set the challenge to design and make some play boards and bottles to stimulate the senses of younger children in the learning community. They designed sensory boards using different materials, working out which senses would be stimulated and working together to come up with a design that they all liked. Unsurprisingly we had a lot of animal based themes!

Once they had designed their boards and some sensory bottles they had to write letters to the children from Oak Class, and Wakoos Nursery, inviting them to come and see what surprises we had in store.

After lunch (and in the midst of a very well attended open afternoon) the children worked together to make their sensory boards using a variety of materials. They practised self selection, investigating smell, touch, hearing and sight when choosing the materials, and they discussed as a group how to put the boards together.

Finally some of the children we had invited came into class and I must say, the children were wonderful, clearly explaining what they had done, talking confidently about their learning and engaging really well with the children. I should add, that throughout this rather busy activity, the children spoke beautifully to the visitors and explained what they were doing. They were fantastic! Lots of photos below.

Traditional story day tomorrow, I hope you will all enjoy seeing the children dressed up, as well as me… should be something special!!!

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