Summer Term


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on April 24, 2019

Two days in and it is as if the holidays were distant dreams! The children told us of the wonderful adventures they had had – some lucky enough to be zipping down black runs in Tignes and whipping round rollercoasters at Universal Studios, some enjoying pleasures more close to home – the beach, the park, riding their bikes, bouncing on trampolines and indulging in egg hunts with their families. I hope you all enjoyed the time with your little ones.

This term is a big one for Year 1 as we approach the phonics tests and begin to think about the transition into Year 2. Though we are not a test focussed school and always offer a balanced and broad curriculum so they can all play to their strengths, the phonics test cannot be avoided. I spoke to many of you about it at parents evening and it was great to have so much support. I have attached some links which may be helpful at the bottom of this post. Please do have a look and use them if you feel your child would enjoy them and benefit from the extra practise.

As the first week whizzes by we have already enjoyed our Easter Service at St.Marys, which the children behaved beautifully for, and our final Forest School session. The children absolutely loved going into the forest with Mrs Ashton Smith and explored the river (mostly getting soaked!) made a swing, tried some Japanese art and built their own fire using fire steels to get it going in a shell! The roasted marshmallows were delicious and it was a genuine delight watching the children so thrilled with their endeavours.

We are thinking about multiplication in maths over the next 3 weeks, you can help your child by practising counting in 2, 5 and 10.

Here are the phonics links,


For your information, we follow the “Letters and Sounds” programme, which is available online.

Below are some photos of Year 1,2 and R working together during Maths Week.



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