To my lovely class!


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 20, 2020

To Ash Class

Today was a strange day, strange for you I am sure, but strange for your grown ups too. However, I know we will find many small joys in the days ahead. It is a great privilege to teach you, and I am glad your parents will now be able to see this and enjoy it as well.

Seren’s mummy has given out some heart templates. These are for you to decorate as you like, and put up in your windows, so when we are walking (a walk is good for everyone, so grab your grown up and walk around town, keeping your distance from others) we can see and spot different hearts. If you don’t have a template, draw your own heart and decorate it for your window. It could be decorated with the colours of your football team, with your favourite animals, or just your favourite colours. If you spot one and can take a quick photo, email it to me and I’ll award you a house point! We need to keep track of house points while we are away after all!

This weekend, see if you can start to think about what home learning might look like for you. Which stories would you like to read, or have read to you? Can you listen to audiobooks if your grown up is working? Do you want to use the computer? Ask your grown up what they love in life, and perhaps they can teach you about that – it might be knitting, or cooking, or football or gardening. Whatever it is make sure you listen because I’ll want you to teach me when we are back in class.

Stay well and email me if you can, I promise to email back!
Mrs Wiggs

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