Day 8 learning challenges


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on March 31, 2020

Hi Ash Class,

I hope you are all ok and finding new ways to spend your time. We are doing lots of new things at home, but there is a LOT of mess and I am not really enjoying having to tidy it up all the time!

Here are your tasks for Wednesday, I’ve also added a story video just for fun again. Igor story

Maths – one of the things we have been doing is practising counting to 50. You can practise this easily at home. You can just count, you can play number tennis, you can count handfuls of Lego, or pieces of pasta, or pens in a pot. You can play games on the computer or board games like snakes and ladders. So the learning for today is to have a go at counting to 50. If you feel confident, have a go at the sheets below. If you find them tricky, don’t worry, set them aside, spend some time practising, and then try them again another day.

Please find the worksheets here. Remember, you don’t have to print them out, you can just write the answers in your book.

Bronze Ash

Silver Ash

Gold Ash

Remember, there are many ways to practise counting. If you don’t fancy the worksheet try answering some questions like these….

How many teddies do you have?

How many clouds are in the sky today?

How many socks can you find?
You can then try counting on in ones from that number…



I’ve uploaded a short handwriting video. Please have a go. It’s not quite as good as the writing repeater but it should remind you of the formation. Sorry it is upside down, it seems to be beyond me to balance the iPad on the thermos flask and record it the correct way up!
Then can you complete your diary, and your signs of spring diary. Each day can you try and write the day, the month and the year. What do you notice about today’s date? Can you write down all the months of the year in your best handwriting? If you like, you could make a simple calendar with the months on it, and a little picture to show what the weather might be like in that season.


Charlotte and I have been really enjoying Cosmic Kids yoga on YouTube, it is really good. Please have a go at some, with your grown up. It’s easier than Joe Wicks, I promise!


Can you remember when we learned about Giuseppe Arcimboldo? Could you see if you can find out (or remember!) where he is from and when he lived? Was it in the past, or now? Can you find out some facts about him? This is a good place to start…

Arcimboldo cartoon

If you like, you can create some art in the style of Arcimboldo, just as we did in class.
Ill see you again tomorrow!

Mrs Wiggs. Xx

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