Thursday 21.5


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 20, 2020

Dear Ash Class

Nearly at half term, you’ve worked so hard, I am really impressed by all the lovely things you are sending me. Keep at it!
Todays tasks are below, I hope you enjoy them.
Todays phonics game is a Kim’s game, or tray game. You will need to look at the screen for a while, but if you can’t, ask a grown up to set up a similar game for you.

Phonics Kim’s Game

For maths, please try this worksheet. You don’t have to write the times in, you can just tell your grown up. Telling the Time

If you are less confident with your time telling, have a go with your home made clock.

Today an artist called Rob Biddulph is aiming to break a world record for the worlds largest art lesson. It’s at 4.00. Why not register and join in? You will know his art from a lot of the books we have shared. Draw with Rob

For science I’d like you to build an animal habitat. Can you collect items that you think would make a good habitat and put them together in a shoe box. Can you talk to your grown up about what you have chosen and why. Where would the animal find these things? Why would it be a good habitat? If you can, send me a picture of your work that I can share on the blog.

Finally, why not sign up for Mission X? It’s got some great sports challenges coming up and I think you might enjoy it! Mission X

See you soon,


Mrs Wiggs. X

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