Monday 1st June


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on May 31, 2020

Hi Ash Class,

How was your half term? I hope you enjoyed the sunshine and the time with your family. I will be back in school from today, but do not worry, much of what I post on here will be the same as I am teaching at school. I will only change it if I think you might not have specific equipment that you might need.

So today we will be starting a new piece of writing. This will take the same form as much of our English work has at school before, so you should know what to do. Today I am going to introduce the story “Toys in Space” by Mini Grey. I would just like you to listen to the story and talk about it with someone in your family. Think about these questions:

  • Who is the main character?
  • Who is your favourite character? Why?
  • Do you think the toys really go to space?

I’d like you to start thinking about retelling the story – it is important that you can do this from memory. If you can make up some actions to help you do this, please do. I will share my actions tomorrow.

Toys in Space


This is a game based on squares, which you might have played before. The object of the game is to join the dots to make a square. Every square you make is a point, but you must read the word IN the square before you can have the point.

Squares board

For maths we are going to be thinking about doubling, moving on to think about multiplication. Lots of you are good at doubling already but it’s important we practise this first before we go on to the multiplication.
Today you will need some objects. Choose up to ten, or twenty if you’re more confident. They can be buttons, or pieces of pasta, stones, whatever is to hand. Take a handful, counting them 1 to each object. Then double them. If you are confident with this, do it in your head and time yourself. If you are practising hard, choose the same amount again – is if you had five, pick another five. This is a double.

Squares boardFinally, we are going to be thinking about space. I’d like you to see if you can find out as much as you can about Space X. This link is a good place to start  Space X but see if you can find out;

  • What is Space X?
  • What will it do?
  • Why is it special?

Have a really lovely day, I hope you enjoy the learning! Keep emailing me and I will reply when I am home.


Mrs Wiggs. Xx

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