Monday 29th June


Posted by mrscwiggs | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on June 28, 2020

Hi Ash Class!
This is an exciting week because Mr Galvin has set all of us some work on Japan, and sports, as this year we would have seen the Olympics, in Japan. So, this week, your maths and topic activities will be centred around Japan and hopefully will be really exciting. You could put all your work together in a special folder, make a PowerPoint or a video or present each days work individually.

In English we are going to continue to think about Mo Farah and this week we will be trying to write our own poem in the same style…..but a word of caution! A little pep talk from Mrs Wiggs…..,if you’ve been doing lots of writing without any complaint, you don’t have to listen 😁

You have to write….some days you won’t like it, some days you might think you can’t do it. Some days it seems too hard, or you just don’t fancy it.. But give it a try. I KNOW you can all write really well!

So today, I want you to write a few sentences starting like this….

Run round the….

Run to the….

Anything you like, but I want you to start experimenting with how the words and sentences sound together.

Mr Galvin would like you to try some throwing, and measuring! If you have a garden, do this in the garden. Equally, you can do it on a walk or in Petworth Park. If you can’t get outside try to find a long corridor, and remove all breakables. You can throw anything, but a small, light soft toy would work well. You could also fill an old sock with rice, or broken pasta, tie the end up, and use that.
Mark a start line. You can use this all week. Throw your item as far as you can. Mark where it has landed. Can you measure how far it went? Give yourself five tries. How far could you throw it? Try different throws, underarm and

If you have access to the internet, can you have a look at Japan, using it (Google Earth us a great place to start) or an atlas. What do you notice about the landscape? Do you think Japan is hot, or wet? How can you prove this (think about the Equator) Can you find Mount Fuji? What is it? I’m not going to give you a link for this, but can you use google to do a search with proper search terms, as we practised in class?

Have a lovely day

Mrs Wiggs. Xx

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